Hair Weaving - Stylux Studios
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Hair Weaving

Hair Weaving: A game change for Baldness People

One of the major problem faced by today generation is hair loss. Continuous loss of hair will decrease the confidence of a individual. To overcome this problem we came up with a solution known Hair Weaving . It is one of a best solution related to hair problems. It is a very safe and results which we get from it looks like natural hair. There is no restrictions in your life like Swimming, Shower, Biking, etc. You can enjoy your daily activities.


Procedure Involved

Hair Weaving is a non-surgical process. We add hair extensions or artificial human hair wigs in this process. In this process we add hair by weaving or braiding to the bald areas. It is 100% natural human hair. Its gives you a natural look. It is very hard to detect it. It is attached to the roots of the natural hair. This process is also known as hair integration in which extra hair is added to the natural hair. This will give an individual a thick and full of hairs. It will look like growing hair with the natural hair. In our studio this is performed by the highly experienced experts of this field.


Advantages of Hair Weaving

  • It is a painless procedure which can be completed in few hours.
  • It  cost very less than other procedure.
  • It gives a natural results to your hair.
  • A wide area of baldness can be covered.
  • It is safe procedure.
  • You will get 100% natural results.  

Things to keep in mind for Hair Weaving Procedure

Things to keep in mind for Hair Weaving Procedure


Go for good quality hair

If you are going for a cheap quality synthesis hair it will damage your natural hair and will keep you on irritating. It is mandatory to check with the hair quality so that it will not damage your hair folic.

Care about your natural hair:

It is mandatory to condition the natural hair before going for attaching weave to it. Go for good hair conditioners and make sure it is applied to the tips of the hair

Take care of your Scalp:

Make sure that you cover it from any substance before going for any sports or any activities that causes excess sweat. You can wast your hairs if there is an excessive sweat.

Maintenance of your Hairs:

After you are done with the hair weaving procedure, make sure that servicing for it is done once in every tow months. There is no complex care required for it. Always prefer natural and normal products which will be helpful for your hairs.